The Old Wesley Collegians’ Association Memorial Chapel is recognised as the focus of a Faith Community of the , under the oversight of the Presbytery and Synod of Western Australia, where the Head of College and College Chaplain represent ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ to the wider church.
Students of all faith traditions and those who profess none are invited to be part of a community that is engaged on a journey of discovering life values and the variety of faith traditions that are part of who we are. This is undertaken through worship services, study groups and other opportunities devoted to understanding better much of that which under-girds the life of our society.
The Chapel is a welcoming place for all. During term time, the College Chapel is open daily from 7.30am to 4.00pm, whether for personal reflection or the opportunity to meet with the Chaplain, Rev Manie Strydom. Students and staff alike are invited to share in what is a safe place for prayer, reflection, meditation or contemplation. You are also able to share in the varied aspects of worship, social occasions and times of community acknowledgement.
Chapel Volunteers
Many parents and friends of ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ are helping behind the scenes in the Old Wesley Collegians’ Association Memorial Chapel, assisting the Chaplain by helping to plan the activities of the Wesley Faith Community, which often take place outside of school hours or term time. Students, staff and parents are encouraged to assist in a wide variety of activities. If this is something that appeals to you, then please contact the Chaplain.
The College Chaplain is available to all who are associated with the ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ community in any way, including the wider College Family, for occasions such as baptisms, weddings, funerals, or services to recognise special milestones, and for personal, pastoral or spiritual matters.
The Chaplain can be contacted on (08) 9368 8064 or
Find out more about the ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ Chaplaincy.