Learn about our return policies below.
Tuition Fees
All overpaid fees will be refunded when a student leaves the College, subject to all financial commitments having been settled, the required notice of withdrawal being given, and there being no other children in the family remaining at the College.
³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ Endowment Fund Payment
Payments to the ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ Endowment Fund (WCEF) are usually non-refundable. In exceptional circumstances, and where no child in a family has yet to commence at the College, payments to the WCEF may be refunded subsequent to an assessment of the family’s financial position. This determination will be at the sole discretion of the College, and the rationale and process will not be revealed. Parents applying for a refund of the WCEF payment will be required to complete and submit a ‘Bursary Application’ form and required supporting documentation.