We’re pleased to celebrate the Class of 2023 and their outstanding ATAR performance, dedication, and academic rigour.
Below is a snapshot of the accomplishments of the Class of 2023. We invite you to take a moment and dive into the data – a testament to sheer hard work and perseverance.
- Median ATAR 87.15
- 6 students (6.7% of ATAR candidates) obtained an ATAR 99+ (Top 1% in WA)
- 18 students (20.2% of ATAR candidates) obtained an ATAR 95+ (Top 5% in WA)
- 35 students (39.3% of ATAR candidates) obtained an ATAR 90+ (Top 10% in WA)
- 57 students (64% of ATAR candidates) obtained an ATAR 80+ (Top 20% in WA)
- 82 students (92.1% of ATAR candidates) obtained an ATAR 70+ (Top 30% in WA)
In a letter to parents, Head of ³ÉÈËÍ·Ìõ, Mr Ross Barron, said: “Today, we’re pleased to share the ATAR results with our community. I know you’ll join me in congratulating our Year 12 students on their outstanding achievements. I’d like to thank the entire teaching staff for their expertise, dedication, and support. Our exceptional approach to teaching and learning defines Wesley and our staff play a pivotal role in student success.”
“In Western Australia, where only 28% of Year 12 students undertook an ATAR pathway, we are particularly proud of the academic performance of our students, with 72% choosing to undertake a rigorous ATAR pathway. It’s pleasing that 92.1% of these students scored an ATAR of 70+, guaranteeing university entry.”
He added: “We do believe ATAR results need to be celebrated, but the true value of a Wesley education, why many of you sacrifice and send your children to this College, cannot be measured by numbers alone.”
“At the heart of what we do, is to work along with students to find an individual pathway that aligns with their interests and passions to propel students for a life of purpose and happiness.”
The Class of 2023 have contributed toward College life dramatically:
- The UniReady program continues to be a success story for us with 17 students who have direct university access available to them through this pathway.
- Wesley Next is skyrocketing with more than 1,000 micro-credentials awarded this year.
- 16 students completed a VET pathway, with a majority having secured an apprenticeship.
- 1,302 hours of community service.
- 84 students have held formal leadership positions.
- $110,557 raised through fundraising efforts.
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